Virtual Reality NeuroTherapy is the gold standard for the technological backend required to create impactful solutions that are designed for learning and healthcare.
For people with disabilities and the elderly, VRNT is especially important so that those populations may truly benefit from the experiences they are presented. While many VR experiences may be wonderful in theory, only VRNT certified solutions have been rigorously checked for accessibility features that make navigating and participating in the VR experience fun, healthy and above all else: safe.
There are a variety of factors that distinguish "VRNT" from "VR." Here, we dive into a few so that you many gain a better understanding of the required criteria to be VRNT Certified.
1) Is the User Interface (UI) easy to navigate for people with disabilities (both physical and mental)?
2) Is the User Experience designed with safety measures in place?
3) Is the experience or product inclusive to as wide a range of people as possible?
4) Does the experience or product follow APX (Accessible Player Experience Design) guidelines?
Players with cognitive disabilities may need to bypass decision making challenges to progress.
Players with learning disabilities may need to bypass challenges involving large amounts of reading to progress.
Players with physical disabilities may need to bypass click-to-control functionality in order to progress.
Players with mental health difficulties may need to avoid particular types of content.
If you are interested in submitting an application for VRNT Certification please contact: